Tuesday, September 24, 2013

word, whirred

Word or word means the smallest unit of language that can stand alone--
Make sure to use the dictionary if you don't know how to spell a word.
Don't guess what the word means! Look it up in the online dictionary.
In a word, no.
Word is also an old-fashioned term for promise--
He gave his word that he would be home by midnight.

Whirred or whirred ( rhymes with word ) is the past tense ( yesterday, or some time ago ) of "whirr", meaning to make a buzzing or humming sound by moving, turning, or revolving--
The ceiling fan whirred while they talked, making it difficult for us to hear what they said.
The toy airplane's propeller whirred when he let it go.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"The fan whirred loudly as we strained to hear each word."

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