Monday, September 30, 2013

parody, parity

Parody or parody means a spoof or imitation of a serious subject--
We enjoy this comedian's parody of broadcast news.
The student's parody of the university's traditions made the dean angry.
Parody is also a verb ( action word ), meaning to imitate in a humorous or mocking way--
He intended to parody a famous commercial, but most people didn't recognize it.

Parity or parity ( almost rhymes with parody ) equivalence of amount, status, or value--
The currency of Canada is nearly at parity with the currency of the United States.
Many people still think that women should one day achieve economic parity with men.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"His parody of women striving for professional parity with men was not funny to his female supervisor."

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