Monday, September 2, 2013

holiday, holy day

Holiday or holiday ( one word ) means a day off from school or work; a day when some occasion is celebrated--
We have a three day weekend, because of the Monday holiday for Labor Day.
The children have a long holiday at Christmas and Easter.

Holy day or holy day ( two words ) means, to some religious people, a day to attend church, even if it isn't the sabbath, in order to commemorate a religious event, or to observe a particular religious anniversary or occasion--
Many of the children are absent form school because Ash Wednesday is a holy day for them.
If a holy day of your religion falls on a work day, you may take the day off, using a personal day.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"New Year's Day is a holy day for many religious people, but it's also a holiday for the rest of us."

Note--a "Monday holiday" means celebrating a holiday on the closest Monday, to make a three-day weekend--
There is a Monday holiday next week, so we'll only work four days.
Note # 2 --"wholly" means entirely or completely, and so might be used in a sentence with "day" to make "wholly day"--
The sun had just started to rise; it wasn't wholly day.  

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