Monday, September 16, 2013

widened, wide end

Wide end or wide end ( two words ) means the end of something that is broader, or of greater measurement than the other end or ends--
It will stand up if you set it on the wide end.
It is shaped like a wedge, with a wide end and a narrow end.

Widened or widened ( one word, nearly rhymes with wide end ) means made broader, or of larger dimensions--
They widened the road last year, and now it's easier to drive to town.
He made no sound, but his eyes widened, when he saw the scene of the disaster.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"We widened the whole driveway, and now you can turn the car around at the wide end."

Note--"wide end" may also descibeone of a team of football players--
He will be a wide end receiver on the varsity team this year.

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