Friday, September 27, 2013

partially, partiality

Partially or partially means incompletely--
This report is partially finished; I'll take it home over the weekend.
This has been partially repaired; I'll have to come back tomorrow to do the rest.

Partiality or partiality means favor or a bias in favor of--
The lawyer thought that the judge showed partiality to the plaintiff.
A teacher should not show partiality to any student.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"Our report on the partiality of the jury is partially done."

Note--"partial" means incomplete--
We did a check-up of his health.
This is in partial payment of my bill.
"Partial" is also an informal term for "biased in favor of "--
He is partial to any kind of barbecue.
I'm partial to any sweets made with honey.
Not to be confused with "impartial", meaning showing no favor or bias--
A jury is supposed to be impartial.
Note # 2--"partly" means to some extent, or to a certain extent--
That's only partly true.
The report is partly finished.
Your answer was only partly correct.

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