Thursday, September 26, 2013

occur, ocher

Occur or occur ( oh Kurr ) means to happen or take place--
Something unexpected may occur while we are out, so here is the phone number.
If you follow the same procedure, the same results should occur.
Occur also means to suggest itself, or to mentally take place--
If a better idea should occur to me, I'll let you know.

Ocher or ocher ( Oh kurr ) is  a yellow-brown mineral, or the color of this mineral--
They painted the room ocher, with dark brown trim.
Ocher is about the same color as spicy brown mustard.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"We were digging for ocher, when what should occur but a mild earthquake."

Note-- "ochre" is an old-fashioned ( in the United States ) spelling of "ocher".
Note # 2--"occur" is a verb ( action word ), with all of the usual verb forms--
It will occur; it occurs; it occurred; it is occurring.
"Ocher" is a noun ( thing or idea ) , but since it is a quantity ( something you measure ) and not a number ( something you count ), a plural form is rare, and used only by professional discussing paint, ink, or minerals, --
Two tons of ocher will be delivered tomorrow.
These ochers are all too brown; add some yellow.
"Ocher" may also be an adjective ( describes a noun )--
Do we want the ocher paint, or the green?
Note # 3--not to be confused with "ogre", meaning a big, bad, rude, giant monster--
He wanted to play the prince, but she thought he should play the ogre.
Note # 4--"a cur" ( nearly rhymes with occur ) means one ( a ) mongrel dog, especially a dirty or mean one ( cur )--
He called the dog a cur, and she growled at him.

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