Monday, September 9, 2013

dolman, dolmen

Dolman or dolman means a kind of sleeve, on a shirt, jacket, or dress, that is attached at or near the waist, and fitted at the wrist, to make sleeves something like a cape--
Dolman sleeves are sometimes called batwing sleeves.
The dolman sleeves on that dress make her look short.

Dolmen or dolmen ( rhymes with dolman ) means a kind of burial mound or tomb marker, made of a large stone set on top of two upright stones, making a shape like the Greek letter π--
A dolmen is usually made of three large stones.
A dolmen may also be called a cromlech.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"She got her big dolman sleeve stuck on the edge of the dolmen, and we had to cut it to get her loose."

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