Tuesday, April 1, 2014

bark, barque

Bark or bark means the noise some animals make, most commonly dogs--
When he hears the bark of a dog, he runs and hides.
His bark is worse than his bite.
Bark, said of a dog, means to make a noise--
Go and tell the dog not to bark; it's late.
Be a good dog; don't bark.

Bark also means the outer covering of a tree--
Some creature has been gnawing the bark off of this tree.
Some canoes were made with the bark of a tree.

Barque or barque, sometimes spelled bark ( rhymes with bark ) means a kind of boat, equipped with sails--
The little barque survived the storm, and seems to be intact.
Only one barque and its crew returned to tell the tale of the voyage.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"They repaired the barque with pieces of bark, stuck in place with pitch."

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