Friday, April 11, 2014

acclamation, acclimation

Acclamation or acclamation means a demonstration of public praise, goodwill, or applause--
There were loud cheers of acclamation when the favorite appeared on the stage.
He longed for the acclamation of an audience whenever he wasn't performing.

Acclimation or acclimation ( rhymes with acclamation ) means the process of getting used to, or adapting to a new environment--
The process of acclimation may take 6 to 8 months.
Acclimation to the cold weather may be stressful, to those from warmer regions.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"His acclimation to the acclamation of the public and the media was swift, but not sure."

Note--"acclamation" is a noun ( thing or idea ), related to the verb ( action word ) "acclaim", meaning to make a loud shout of approval, or to applaud--
The little town eagerly waited to acclaim the famous war hero.
"Acclimation" is also a noun ( thing or idea ), related to the verb ( action word ) "acclimate", meaning to get used to or adapt to a new environment--
He seems to be refusing to acclimate to his new surroundings.
"Acclimation" is also related to "acclimatize", meaning to adapt, or to cause to adapt, to new surroundings--
This training is supposed to acclimatize them to high altitudes.

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