Monday, March 31, 2014

layout, lay out, outlay

Layout or layout ( one word ) means arrangement or plan--
They didn't like the layout of the house, so they're still looking.
Layout also means the arrangement of items on the page of a newspaper or magazine--
He works in the layout department; she's a copyeditor.
Layout is also an informal term meaning a home and its furnishings, a business, or a setup in general--
Whe he saw the fancy layout he felt out of place.

Lay out or lay out ( two words ) means to set or arrange--
I asked him to lay out the clothes he wants to wear to school tomorrow.
Let the cloth lay out in the sun; it will get rid of the mildew.
Lay out may also be the past tense ( yesterday, or some time ago ) of "lie", meaning to rest or recline ( lay ), out of doors, exposed, or beyond a certain limit ( out )--
He lay out in the sun, and now he's burnt.
Lay out may also mean set or situated beyond a certain  limit--
The ball lay out of his reach, and he fell when he tried to catch it.

Lay out also means to arrange a body for burial--
They will lay him out tomorrow for the funeral on the day after.
Lay out may also be an informal expression meaning to spend or contibute a sum of money--
People lay out a lot of money to stay in this hotel; they expect it to be comfortable.

Outlay or outlay means expense or money spent--
His outlay for entertainment was lavish; they ate out several nights a week.
His outlay for clothes is too much; he should learn to shop for bargains.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"The outlay for this layout must have been fabulous; they lay out a tea service in the garden."

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