Monday, April 7, 2014

residents, residence

Residence or residence means home or dwelling place--
You may vote only at the polling place assigned to your legal residence.
He refers to his home as his residence, even in casual conversation.
Residence may also mean the fact or term of living in a particular place--
He learned to do that during his residence in Florida.
You'll have to provide proof of your residence in the state.
Residence may also mean the term of a particular job, such as an ambassador, that requires living in a particular place--
His residence won't be more than four years.

Residents or residents ( rhymes with residence ) is the plural of "resident", meaning a person who lives in a particular place--
The fire department is evacuating all of the residents of the building. 
The residents of this neighborhood want ot have a meeting about the late night noise problem.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"The residents of a large apartment complex refused to sign the new terms of residence."

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