Thursday, March 20, 2014

fold, foaled

Fold or fold means to bend something, such as cloth or paper, in half, or over on itself in some other shape--
Fold the paper in half, so it will fit in the bag.
She doesn't like the way I fold the laundry.

Fold also means a pen or enclosure for sheep or other animals--
Our dog will drive the sheep into the fold.
Fold may also mean a flock of sheep, or a flock in general, literally or figuratively--
The dog watched over the fold while the shepherd slept.
Their pastor refers to the church as "the fold".

Foaled or foaled ( rhymes with fold ) is the past tense ( yesterday, or some time ago ) of "foal", meaning, when said of a horse, to give birth--
She foaled last night, while we were asleep.
Our mare had some problems the last time she foaled.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"The mare foaled last night in this cold weather; make sure to fold a blanket over her."

Note--the past tense of "fold", meaning to bend something over on itself,  is "folded"--
She took the laundry off the line and folded it.

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