Wednesday, March 19, 2014

wax, whacks

Wax or wax means the substance produced by bees, or a similar substance, used to make candles, crayons, or other items, or as a polish--
She is trying to melt wax to make a candle, so it looks a bit messy.
The figures were made of wax, and they melted in the sun.

Wax may also mean to polish or shine--
Don't go in there, he has just started to wax the floor.
I'm going to wax the car; do you want to help?

Wax is also an old-fashioned term meaning to increase or grow larger--
He says he's just going to sit and watch the moon wax and wane.

Whacks or whacks ( rhymes with wax ) is the third person singular ( he, she, it ) form of "whack", meaning to hit or strike--
He whacks his thumb with the hammer every time he tries to put a nail in the wall.

Whacks may also be the plural ( more than one ) form of "whack", meaning a blow or a punch--
"Lizzie Borden took an axe, and gave her mother forty whacks..."

Now that you know that, you can say--
"The old woman gave the wax figure a couple of whacks with her umbrella before she realized it wasn't real."

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