Wednesday, January 8, 2014

frank, franc

Frank or frank describes speech that is candid or open--
Let's be frank--your job performance needs improvement.
His frank and friendly manner helped to defuse the situation.

Frank may also means to stamp or make a physical mark or impression on something--
You don't have to put stamps on those. Our postage meter will put a frank on them.

Franc or franc ( rhymes with frank ) is a unit of money used in France and some other countries--
A French franc is the equivalent of about 20 cents in American money.
He keeps a Swiss franc in his pocket as a lucky piece.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"He told them in a frank, engaging way that he hadn't a franc to his name."

Note--"frank" may also mean "frankfurter", meaning a hot dog--
Do you want mustard on your frank?
"Franks" may be the plural ( more than one ) of "frank", meaning a hot dog--
We are having franks and beans for lunch.
"Franks"may also be the third person singular ( he, she, it ) form of "frank", meaning to stamp or impress--
This machine franks the mail; there's no need to go to the post office.

Note # 2--"Frank" may also be a man's given name, or a surname or family name--
Is Frank still at the same address?
Is Mr. Frank at home?

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