Monday, January 27, 2014

before, be for, be four

Before or before ( one word )  means ahead of or in advance of-- in time, in space, in a series, or in a competition--
"'I' before 'E', except after 'C', and when sounding like 'A', as in 'neighbor' and 'weigh'."
He got here before she did.

Be for or be for ( two words, rhymes with before ) means to exis , to happen, to fit the description or into the category of, or to continue ( be ) with the purpose of, suiting the purpose of, supporting, or intended  ( for )--
How could you be for Roosevelt, when you know I want Al Smith to win the election?
Ah, a present. Could this be for me?

Be four or be four ( two words, rhymes with before ) means to exist, to continue, to fit the decription or into the category of,  or to happen  ( be ) the number 4 ( four )--
I hope there will be four cookies left when I get home.
How could there be four people in that phone booth?

Now that you know that, you can say--
"Before we find out who this package might be for, will there be four people for dinner, or five?"

Note--"beef", meaning the meat of cattle, can form a rhyme with "before"--
Did you want beef or chicken in your sandwich?
Note # 2--"bee", meaning a small creature with wings and a stinger, might form a rhyme--
Look, he made this bee for the art show!
"Bee", meaning a meeting for group work or academic competition might also form a rhyme--
We are having a quilting bee for the new neighbors.
Next week there will be a spelling bee for the whole school.

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