Wednesday, January 1, 2014

assign, a sign

Assign or assign ( one word ) means to give or allot--
The college will assign a dorm room to each student.
The teacher will assign homework for the week on Monday.
Assign also means to appoint to a job or duty--
He hopes the sergeant won't assign him guard duty.
The commander will assign him to a new post next week.
Assign is used as a legal term, meaning to transfer to another party--
Can we assign this property in payment of the debt?
Assign may mean the party to whom the property is transferred--
Are you an heir or assign of the deceased?

A sign or a sign ( two words ) means one ( a ) mark or symbol representing a word or idea--
The "x" is used as a sign meaning "incorrect". 
A sign may also be one ( a ) indication or intimation--
"And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in  manger."
A sign may be a gesture or motion ued to express an idea--
A wave of the hand is a sign of recognition.
A sign may be made of wood, metal, paper, or some other material, with words or images painted on it--
I think we're lost. Look for a sign.
They may be closed. Did you see a sign?
A sign may mean a trace--
There wasn't a sign of them.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"I noticed a sign directing us to the office where they will assign our rooms."

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