Friday, January 31, 2014

askew, ask you

Askew or askew ( one word )  means at an angle, crooked or out of line--
The third picture is askew; straighten it out.
When they left the room was in disorder, with the chairs askew and the door ajar.

Ask you or ask you ( two words ) means to inquire of ( ask ) the person to whom one is speaking ( you ) --
I've been meaning to ask you about your trip.
There's someone here to ask you about a job.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"May I ask you why you left that piece of the railing askew?"

Note--"skew" is a verb ( action word ) meaning  to distort or make crooked--
 He may be tempted to skew the figures to make the investment seem like a sound one.
"Skew" may also be an adjective ( describes something ), meaning something slanted or oblique. So "a skew" ( two words ) might make part of a sentence--
 Do you have a skew chisel?
"Skew" may also be a noun ( thing or idea ), meaning an oblique movement or position. So "a skew" ( two words ) would mean one ( a )  slanted or oblique movement or position--
It looks like a skew to the right will put this back on the track.

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