Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Noel, no el, no L

Noel or Noël ( always capitalized ) is the French word for Christmas, often used in English carols, or on cards, etc. --
This card is in French; it says "Joyeux Noël".
The choir is learning "The First Noel".

No el or no el means not one ( no ) elevated train or subway-elevated train ( el ) --
There will be no el today; we'll have to take the bus.
We waited for an hour, and no el was in sight.

No L, no l, No "L", no "L", No "l", or no "L" means not one ( no ) letter "L", the 12th letter of the alphabet (  L ) --
There is no "L" in "Merry Christmas"; why did you cut this out?
There is no "l" in "wood"; you used the wrong word.

Now that you know that, you can say --
 "There is no "L" in Christmas, but there is one in "Noel".  We can talk about it while we walk, because there is no el."

Note-- "no ell" means not one, or not any ( no ) extension of or addition to a building, at a right angle to the main building ( ell ) --
This is the wrong building; our hotel has no ell.

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