Friday, December 16, 2016

adjust, add just

Adjust or adjust ( one word ) means to move or change the position of something, to make it work better, to make it more comfortable, attractive, or useful --
"Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission."
She wants to adjust the thermostat, but he likes it as it is.

Adjust may also mean to determine an amount, or to settle a claim --
It may take several weeks to adjust your insurance claim.
We hope both parties can adjust their differences, and reach an agreement.

Add just or add just ( two words ) means to include more of something, or to introduce a substance to what is already there ( add ) merely, as in a small quantity ( just ) --
Add just a pinch of nutmeg.
This paint will match if you add just a bit of gray.

Now that you know that, you can say --
"Add just a bit more cocoa, and adjust the sugar accordingly."

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