Friday, August 29, 2014

crochet, crotchet

Crochet or crochet is a kind of needlework done with yarn and a hook, used to make sweaters, socks, and other garments--
She learned to crochet and made a sweater.
Grandma is going to crochet some booties for the baby.

Crotchet or crotchet most commonly means an odd whim, fancy, or fit of grouchiness--
Don't leave the door open; it's a favorite crotchet of his.
Crotchet may also mean a person given to odd whims, notions, or fits of grouchiness--
Grandpa should get out more; he's turning into an old crotchet.
Crotchet also means small sharp hook, or something hook-shaped, such as a quarter note, in music--
A crotchet lasts 1/4 as long as a whole note.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"It's a crotchet of Grandma's that we take her crochet hooks and hide them."

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