Wednesday, August 27, 2014

come back, comeback

Come back or come back ( two words ) means return, physically, to a place, or to a former state or condition, such as popularity--
They made arrangements to come back next year.
Make sure the house is still in one piece when we come back.
He made plans to come back, even wealthier and more influential than before his fall.

Come back, said of something forgotten, may mean to return to memory--
It will all come back to you after you calm down.

Come back may also mean to retort, or to talk back--
No matter what we say to him, he feels a need to come back with a smart remark.

Comeback or comeback ( one word ) means a riposte or a witty retort--
He is always ready with a clever comeback, no matter how serious the situation.

Comeback may also describe a performance given after a long break or retirement--
The star is hoping her comeback tour will restablish her popularity.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"When I come back with the principal, try to resist the urge to offer a flippant comeback to everything he says."

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