Friday, July 20, 2012

vile, vial

Vile or vile means despicable or loathesome, often meaning behavior--
What a nasty woman. Such vile manners!
This cake tastes vile. Did you put in salt instead of sugar?

Vial or vial ( rhymes with vile ) means a glass tube or small container , probably with a cap on the top--
She broke a small vial of perfume, and the whole house smelled of it.
The vial of medicine contains three doses.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"The nurse gave him a vial of vile-tasting medicine for his sore throat."

Note-"phial" is an old-fashioned spelling of "vial"--
Dr. Jeckyl swallowed a phial of the potion, and became Mr. Hyde."

Note # 2--not to be confused with "file", meaning a folder or set of papers, or a particular body of information stored electronically--
Did you find the file on housing costs?

Note # 3--to "file" something--a verb ( action word ) means to arrange it alphabetically ( from A to Z ) in a set of files--
She had a stack of folders to file.

Note # 4--a "phiale"  is a kind of ancient Roman drinking cup shaped like a saucer--
They admired the strange phiale in the glass case at the museum.

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