Tuesday, July 3, 2012

flow, floe

Flow or flow means to run or stream, as the current of a river, or as a faucet--
Something is stopping the flow from this faucet. We'll need a plumber.
Make sure the water doesn't flow over the side of the tub.
Flow may also be used figuratively--
"Go with the flow" was his favorite saying.
"Flow" is now sometimes called "feng shui".

Floe or floe ( rhymes with flow ) means a solid mass of ice floating on water, as in the Arctic Ocean--
He took a photo of a seal on an ice floe.
He fell overboard, but managed to climb onto an ice floe, where the rescuers found him.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"The ice floe rose and fell with the ebb and flow of the tide."

Note--"flowed" ( rhymes with road ) is the past tense ( yesterday, or some time ago ) form of "flow"--
The water flowed out of the faucet and soaked the floor.
Not to be confused with "flood" ( rhymes with blood ), meaning water covering the land, because of heavy rains, a hurricane, a broken dam, or from any other cause--
They all liked to hear the story of Noah and the flood.
The flood left a mess that took months to clean up.
Note # 2--"float" ( rhymes with boat ) means to stay on top of the water, instead of sinking--
They built a toy boat, but it wouldn't float.

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