Wednesday, July 18, 2012

secret, secrete

Secret or secret means something hidden from other people, or known only to those involved--
Don't tell about the surprise party. It's a secret.
Can you keep a secret?
Secret is also an old-fashioned verb ( action word ), meaning to hide something--
He was careful to secret the money in a hole in the wall.

Secrete or secrete ( pronounced seh-kreet ) means to emit or discharge a chemical or substance from a gland or cell of the body--
The pores of human skin secrete sweat and oil.
Human glands secrete hormones into our bodies.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"Don't worry; it's no secret that we secrete sweat when it's hot out."

Note--"secretive" describes a person who doesn't tell others what he knows--
He has been secretive lately, and hardly talks at all.
"Secretly" describes the actions of someone hiding something--
Let's discuss this secretly.
He asked her friends secretly what she would like for her birthday.
Note # 2--"secretion" is the noun ( thing or idea ) form of "secrete"--
Sweat is a bodily secretion.

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