Thursday, June 21, 2012

style, stile

Style or style means fashion or way of doing something--clothing, hair, home decor, writing, music--
He only likes one style of music.
His style of writing is distinctive and recognizable.

Stile or stile ( rhymes with style ) means a  post that turns to let people through a fence or wall, or a bar that lifts to let people pass--
Put the stile back after you pass through.
"There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile,
He found a crooked sixpence, beside a crooked stile."

Now that you know that, you can say--
" He thought he had style when he hopped over the stile instead of paying the fare."

Note--"stylist" means someone who styles something, usually hair--
She had an appointment with her hair stylist, and didn't want to be late.
Not to be confused with "stylish" meaning in the latest fashion--
Her furniture is very stylish.
Note # 2--to "stylize" something means to render it in a particular fashion--
He tried to stylize the old folk song into a pop hit.
Note # 3--"stylus" means a pointed instrument used to write on an electronic device or wax tablet--
Use the stylus to sign your name on the screen.

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