Wednesday, June 20, 2012

legion, lesion

Legion or legion ( pronounced lee-jun ) means a division of the army, or a large body of troops or people--
"Our name is legion, for we are many..."
He ran away to join the foreign legion, supposedly.

Lesion or lesion ( pronounced lee-zhun ) means a kind of sore or scab--
He still has a lesion on his leg from the accident.
This lesion may not leave a scar. We'll have to wait to find out.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"He had a lesion on his arm from an injury he got fighting in the foreign legion."

Note--the "American Legion" is the name of a specific group of people, so it is capitalized--
The veteran joined the American Legion. He enjoys the company of other veterans.
Note # 2--a "legionary" is a member of a legion; an individual soldier. "Legionnaire" is an alternative form of "legionary"--
Legionnaire's disease is still a famous incident in Philadelphia's history.

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