Friday, June 29, 2012

creak, creek, crick

Creak or creak ( rhymes with peak ) means a grating  noise made when parts of  floors, doors, gates, or shutters scrape together--
They could hear the stairs creak, and wondered who it was.
Would you fix the gate so that it doesn't creak?

Creek or creek ( rhymes with creak, or with crick ) means a small stream--
They are fishing for bait in the creek.
It's hot. Let's go wading in the creek.

Crick or crick ( rhymes with sick ) means a stiff  body part or joint--
He had a crick in his neck from sleeping in a chair.
The old man has had a crick in his elbow for years.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"The door's creak reminded him of the crick in his back he got while fishing in the creek."

Note--an old bit of humor --
A sign near a stream has written on it--"Creek Creek", pronounced "Crick Creek" by some, and "Creek Crick" by others.
Note # 2--"Creek" is also the proper name of a tribe of American Indians or Native Americans.

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