Tuesday, November 22, 2011

steal, steel

Steal or steal means to take what doesn't belong to you--to commit robbery, larceny, or burglary--
The team hatched a plot to steal the rival school's mascot.
Don't steal my seat while I'm gone.
He planned a romantic date to steal her heart.
The runner tried to steal third base, but got caught.

Steel or steel ( rhymes with steal ) means the metal made of iron and coke ( the mineral )--
Most cars are made of steel.
Steel can rust, unless it is stainless steel.
Steel may mean to harden, in an emotional sense--
He took a deep breath and tried to steel his nerves.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"She tried to steel her heart against his efforts to steal her heart."
"He tried to steal the workman's steel tools."

Note--the past tense( yesterday, or some time ago )  of "steal" is "stole"--
He stole my sandwich!
The modifier ( describing ) form of "steal" is "stolen"--
He was arrested for receiving stolen goods.
"Stole" is also a noun ( thing or idea ), meaning a wrap that goes around a woman's shoulders--
She wanted a mink stole in the worst way.
A "stollen" is a kind of cake--
She offered coffee and stollen to the visitors.
Note # 2--a "stele" ( rhymes with steal ) is an upright slab of stone with words or images carved on it--
The museum staff spent years trying to decipher the writing on the ancient stele.

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