Wednesday, November 23, 2011

idle, idol, idyll

Idle or idle means not in use--
His tools sat idle while he was ill.
The car sat idle in the garage while they were away.
When idle is used to refer to a person, it means not working, or doing nothing--
His wife always complained if he was idle for a moment.
She rarely spent an idle minute.
"Idle hands are the devil's workshop".
When idle is used to refer to a machine, it means that the machine is not being used, as in the expression "to let the car idle", meaning with the motor on, but sitting still--
Don't let the car idle too long; it wastes gas.
Her typewriter sat idle for weeks while she was on vacation.
Idle is also used to mean useless or ineffective--
That's just idle gossip.
They are just idle rumors.
Don't make idle threats.
"tears, idle tears..."

Idol or idol ( rhymes with idle ) means a religious statue that is worshiped or prayed to--
The plain people believe that any image might be used as an idol.
Many people think that all religious images are idols, if the images belong to a religion not their own.
Movie stars were once called "matinee idols".

Idyll or idyll ( rhymes with idle ) means something like a day in the country, or in an unspoiled natural place--it may mean the type of poem that is written about such a day, or it may refer to the day itself, and how it felt to be out of doors in a lovely setting--
The day was so lovely it  lacked only a poet to write an idyll.
The visit to the park seemed like an idyll.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"In his idle moments, he dreamed of an idyll in which his favorite movie idol played a part."

Note--"idler" is an old-fashioned word for a loafer or ne'er-do-well--someone who lounges about and does nothing, usually a man--
The townspeople called him an idler, but his farm was prosperous.
"Idly" describes an idle state, or a state of inaction--
He stood by idly while the barn burned.
Note # 2--An "idolater" is someone who worships an idol or image--
The country parson was sure the big city was full of idolaters.
"Idolatry" means the worship of idols, or "magic" statues or images--
Idolatry was once a criminal charge.
Note # 3--"idyllic" describes a lovely scene of nature at peace--
The picnic was lively, and the setting was idyllic.

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