Monday, November 14, 2011

alley, ally

Alley or alley ( rhymes with valley ) means a narrow street or the space between two buildings--
The alley was too narrow for a plow, so they had to shovel it when it snowed.
They kept the trash cans in the alley.
People bowl in a bowling alley.

Ally or ally ( sounds like al--lie ) means a friend for a particular purpose, as in a war or political campaign--
He became an ally of the popular candidate after dropping out of the race himself.
Since we signed the treaty, our country has been an ally of their country.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"The cat got in a fight in the alley, but found an unexpected ally in the neighbor's dog."

Note--the plural ( more than one ) of "alley" is "alleys"--
We have been in all the bowling alleys in town.
The plural of "ally" is "allies"--
Russia and the United States were allies in both world wars.
Not to be confused with "allay", meaning to relieve or diminish--
Her mom told her a story to allay her fear of the dark.
Laughter is believed to allay pain.

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