Friday, June 17, 2016

investor, invest or

Investor or investor ( one word ) means a person who provides money to a business, usually for a share of the profits, or a person who buys stocks or shares in a business --
If we could find an investor, we could start our own business.
He was a Wall Street investor, but he lost most of his money in the crash.

Invest or or invest or ( two words ) means to buy stocks, bonds, or a part of a business, with the goal of making a profit ( invest ) offered as an alternative ( or ) --
You should invest or save some of your money; don't just spend it.
Would you like to invest, or do you need some time to think about it?

Now that you know that, you can say--
"If your friend won't invest or lend money, maybe we should look for another investor."

Note -- "invest" may also mean to give a certain feeling or quality to --
The accident served to invest or charge the piece with a real feeling of pathos.

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