Wednesday, June 29, 2016

forbear, for bear, forebear

Forbear or forbear ( one word ) means to refrain from doing something; to resist the urge to do something or say something --
It took all of her self-control to forbear kicking him.
Try to forbear blurting out the obvious retort.

Forebear or forebear ( one word ) means an ancestor, or a relative of some kind from the past --
He bore a close resemblance to his forebear, the man in the old portrait.
He was given the name of an illustrious forebear, but it was an embarrassment to him.

For bear or for bear ( two words ) means [ for ] a large hairy animal that can walk on its hind legs ( bear ) --
They will hunt for bear on their next camping trip.
He stormed out of the office, loaded for bear.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"He had to forbear shooting at the deer; he was determined to hunt for bear, as his forebear had done centuries ago."

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