Monday, June 6, 2016

fail, flail

Fail or fail means not succeed, or not work as planned or needed--
If you fail this course, you'll have to repeat it next semester.
Our plan will fail if we don't stick to the schedule.

Fail, said of a business, means to become bankrupt --
During the 1930's, a run on the bank could cause it to fail.

Flail or flail means a farm implement; a short pole with a heavy stick that swings free attached to the end, for threshing or beating grain --
He has a flail and some old rakes hanging on the wall.
This flail was used to separate the grain from the chaff.

Flail also means to swing wildly, or to beat as with a farm implement --
She saw his arms flail about, and wondered what he was swinging at.
He used the handle to flail the assailant on all sides.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"This project will fail if we continue to flail about, taking swings at each problem, but not solving any of them."

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