Thursday, June 16, 2016

abroad, a broad

Abroad or abroad ( one word ) means overseas, in a foreign country, or to a foreign country --
He will be studying abroad next semester, in England.
He wants to travel abroad, but his father told him he'll have to wait a year or two.

Abroad may also mean distributed over a wide area, literally or figuratively --
The seeds are scattered abroad when the wind blows.
There is a rumor abroad that he plans to resign.

A broad or a broad ( two words ) describes something ( a ) wide ( broad ), literally or figuratively --
There is a broad tract of land behind the garage; we're not sure what to do with it.
He'll find a broad range of opportunities to advance if he decides to take this position.

A broad may also be an old-fashioned, rude, slang term for a woman --
He was with a broad we didn't know, so we passed them by.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"He'll develop a broad range of interests after a year spent abroad."

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