Thursday, December 12, 2013

resemble, reassemble

Resemble or resemble means to look similar to; to seem like--
Doesn't the baby resemble his father?
They resemble each other; I thought they were sisters.

Reassemble or reassemble means to put back together--
How long do you think it will take to reassemble the puzzle?
Do you think it will be as easy to reassemble as it was to disassemble?

Reassemble or ressemble also means to meet in a group again, or to gather or bring together again--
The group will reassemble for one last concert.
We will reassemble at noon, on the village greeen.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"When we reassemble, pay attention to how much they resemble one another."

Note--"resemble" is a verb ( action word ), with all of the usual verb forms--
I resemble; you resemble; she resembles; they resemble.
They are resembling; yesterday they resembled.
The noun ( thing or idea ) form of "resemble" is "resemblance"--
He bears a strong resemblance to his mother's younger brother.
Note # 2--"reassemble" is also a verb--
We reassemble; they reassemble. I reassemble; he reassembles. We are reassembling; we reassembled.
The noun ( thing or idea ) form of "reassemble" is "reassembly"--
The reassembly should go smoothly, if everyone follows the directions.

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