Tuesday, December 17, 2013

alive, a live

Alive or alive means living, as opposed to dead or inanimate, literally or figuratively--
It's alive!!
Is it alive or dead?
She struggled to keep hope alive through the long wait.

A live or a live ( two words, rhymes with alive ) describes one ( a ) living creature or thing, such as an electrical wire, broadcast--
They tape this show before a live audience.
He hoped to find a live specimen of the rare bird.
Be careful, in case it's a live wire.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"This is a live broadcast; they're trying to see if anyone is still alive in the wreckage."

Note--"live" may be an adjective ( describes something ), pronounced to rhyme with "drive"--
There's a real, live, rock star!
They are using live ammunition; don't go near it.
"Live", spelled the same, is a verb ( action word ), pronounced to rhyme with "give"--
I live; you live; he lives; we are all living.
Yesterday we lived; tomorrow we will live.
Note # 2--"living" may also be an adjective, describing something that is alive--
Be careful, it's a living thing.
"Living" is also used as a noun ( thing or idea ), meaning "livelihood", or how one earns money--
What do you do for a living?

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