Friday, December 27, 2013

allege, a ledge

Allege or allege ( one word ) means to purport or declare; to assert without proof--
 If the witness should allege that our client threatened him, how will we respond?
He met with the district attorney to allege corruption in the city government.

 A ledge or a ledge ( two words, rhymes with allege ) means one ( a ) narrow shelf or projecting part--
He climbed out on a ledge of the building, and a crowd gathered to watch.
There is a ledge along the top of the wall, just right for displaying plates.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"The prosecutor will allege that the defendant left the loot on a ledge, and retrieved it later."

Note--"allegation" ( one word )  is the noun ( thing or idea ) form of allege. Allegation means an assertion or declaration--
The public believed that the allegation was unfounded, even before the trial.
Not to be confused with "a legation" ( two words ), meaning one ( a ) body of persons sent to a foreign country as official representatives--
We will send a legation to discuss the treaty, with instructions to report back to us before signing.
Note # 2--"ledger" means a book in which accounts are kept--
He recorded every transaction in a ledger.

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