Tuesday, December 24, 2013

jury, Jewry

Jury or jury means a set of people selected to hear and decide a legal case--
"...and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States ..."
 He was called for jury duty, but the jury was dismissed.

Jewry ( a proper noun, always capitalized--nearly rhymes with jury ) means the Jews, the Jewish community, or the land or place where the Jews live--
American Jewry has traditionally been quite liberal, politically.
"To Bethlehem, in Jewry, the blessed angel came..."

Jury may also mean a body of persons who meet to decide some other matter, such as a prize or award--
The jury has decided to award the grand prize to this painting.
The jury rejected his entry, so he's not in the competition.

Now that you know that, you can say--
" The jury has decided that the defendant's references to Jewry in general, and to the plaintiff in particular, were in fact defamatory."

Note--Not to be confused with jewelry, the shiny things made of gold, diamonds, or other stuff, worn as ornaments--
She sold some of her old jewelry, and they took a vaction with the money.

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