Wednesday, November 23, 2016

lack, lac

Lack or lack means a shortage or deficiency of something needed --
There will be no lack of food; let's hope we'll have friends to share it with.
His comments display a lack of sympathy for those less fortunate than he is.

Lack also means to need something not available, or to be short of --
We still lack two chairs for our guests; maybe we can borrow some.
Tomorrow we will have a feast, and lack nothing.

Lac or lac ( rhymes with lack ) means a resin deposited by the lac insect, used in making varnish or shellac, sealing wax, and a sort of red dye --
We need the lac to make varnish; our company doesn't manufacture plastics.
This shellac is made form lac imported from Asia.

Now that you know that, you can say --
"Our sources predict a lack of lac in the coming year; perhaps we could switch to synthetic resin."

Note --"lac" may also mean a unit of money in India, of 100,000 rupees, or 100,000 of something,else --
This will cost at least a lac, maybe more.

Note # 2 --"lac" may also be an abbreviation for milk, most commonly used in a prescription --
To be taken with lac, twice a day.

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