Tuesday, April 26, 2016

tease, tees, teas

Tease or tease means to make fun of or annoy, in sport or in a playful way--
He thinks it's fun to tease his little brother, but I think it's mean.
Don't tease the dog!

Tease also means to puff up a hairdo by combing it back into itself--
Does she still tease her hair into a big beehive?

Tees or tees ( rhymes with tease ) is the plural of "tee", meaning a shirt shaped like the letter "T"--
Just pack some jeans and tees; we won't be going out in the evening.
All of his tees are too small.

Tees may also be the plural of "tee", meaning a support for a golf ball, or the mound of dirt it rests on--
He had some tees in his pocket, and he sat on them.
Whose tees are these?

Tees may also be the third person singular ( he, she, it ) form of "tee", meaning to strike a golf ball supported by a tee, or to take the first swing in a game of golf--
He tees off every morning at eight.

Teas or teas ( rhymes with tease ) is the plural of "tea", meaning the beverage made from leaves--
This shop has teas of nearly every kind.
She makes herbal teas with plants from her garden.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"He wears tees with pictures of different teas on them; try not to tease him about them."

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