Monday, April 25, 2016

place, plaice

Place or place means a particular location, spot or position--
Can you find a place for this oversized chair?
We found a new pizza place, just a few blocks away.
He exercises by running in place.

Place or place also means to put in a particular position or location, literally or figuratively--
Place the spoon on the right, and the fork on the left.

Place may also mean to find employment for--
I hope we'll be able to place him quickly; he's very well qualified.

Place also means the order of position in a series--
He finished in second place.
The first place trophy will be shared this year.

Plaice or plaice ( rhymes with place ) means a flatfish caught for food in the North Atlantic--
I'm looking for a new recipe for plaice.
They fish for plaice when they go on vacation

Now that you know that, you can say--
'There's a place not far from here where they serve plaice in a delicious sauce."

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