Wednesday, February 17, 2016

resort, re-sort

Resort or resort ( one word ) means to make use of or to engage in as something less than ideal ; to stoop--
During the depression, they had to resort to sticking carboard in their shoes, to stop the holes.
There's no need to resort to violence!

Resort ( most commonly used with "last" ) also means a less than ideal or reserve solution or idea--
As a last resort, we could call off the meeting.
We could reschedule, but only as a last resort.

Resort also means a vacation spot--
They plan to spend a week at a ski resort.
This was once a stylish resort, but it's fallen on hard times.

Re-sort or re-sort ( hyphenated word ) means to arrange papers, files, or other things, again--
These files are a mess; we'll need to re-sort them.
Can you stay late to re-sort these boxes?

Now that you know that, you can say--
"As a last resort, we could dump out all of the drawers and re-sort all of the contents."

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