Friday, May 25, 2012

row, roe

Row or row ( rhymes with no ) means a set of things in a line--
We planted a row of cabbages and a row of beans.
"...and pretty maids all in a row."
Row also means to propel a boat or ship by pulling oars--
"Row, row, row your boat..."
You can row on the way back.

Roe or roe ( rhymes with no ) means fish eggs--
Shad roe is a local favorite.
All caviar is roe, but not all roe is caviar.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"Row the boat to the edge of the lake, and we'll see if we can catch a fish with its roe."

Note--"row" pronounced to rhyme with "now" is a British expression for a fight or argument--
He criticized her cooking and started a row.
Note--"roe" also describes a kind of European deer--
They spotted a roe deer nibbling on the hedge.

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