Tuesday, May 29, 2012

recent, resent, re-sent

Recent or recent ( Ree sent ) means not long ago, or not long past--
Do you have information on the recent changes in the schedule?
His recent illness has left him behind in his work.

Resent or resent (  ree ZENT ) means to feel insulted or put out--
I resent your attitude!
He tried not to resent being stuck with the dirty work.

Re-sent may also mean sent again. It may be spelled "resent" or "re-sent"--
Your email has been re-sent.
Your message was resent.

Now that you know that, you can say--
" I was re-sent a recent email about how much the employees resent the change in work rules."

Note--not to be confused with "rescind", meaning to abrogate or nullify a contract or legal offer--
The coach decided to rescind his offer of a place on the team.

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