Friday, April 13, 2012

guilt, gilt

Guilt or guilt is the noun ( thing or idea ) from of guilty, meaning responsibility or culpability--
The jury will decide his guilt or innocence.
Modern Freudians maintain that all guilt feelings are to be rejected.

Gilt or gilt ( rhymes with guilt ) is a kind of paint made of gold--
The frames were covered in real gilt.
The book had gilt decorations on the cover.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"He admitted his guilt in the theft of the gilt frames."

Note--To "gild" something is to cover it in gilt, or decorate it with gilt--
" to paint the lily, to gild refined gold...."
Something that is covered in gold is "gilded"--
The ends of the book are gilded.
Note # 2--"guild" ( rhymes with gild ) means a skilled trades union--
They belonged to the printer's guild.
Note # 3--a fish or a mushroom may be "gilled", meaning it has gills--
Many fish are gilled, having special organs that fish use for obtaining oxygen from the water.
"Gilled" may also be the past tense of "gill", meaning  to remove the gills of the fish for cooking--
He gilled and gutted the fish he caught, and then took them home to cook.

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