Monday, April 9, 2012

aisle, isle, I'll

Aisle or aisle means a corridor or space between shelves in a store or seats in a theater or other building--
The usher says not to block the aisle.
The cereal is in the first aisle.

Isle or isle ( rhymes with aisle ) means an island. Isle may be part of an island's name, or an old-fashioned term for island--
They took a tour of the Isle of Wight.
He dreamed of a sunny isle with palm trees.

I'll  ( rhymes with aisle ) is a contraction ( short, informal form ) of "I will"--
I'll go to the store later.
I'll never get this done if I don't stop playing video games.
"I'll be home for Christmas..."

Now that you know that, you can say--
"I'll walk down the aisle, and then we'll honeymoon on a romantic isle."

Note--"ill" ( rhymes with will ) means sick or not well--
She was too ill for school, so she stayed home.
"Ill fares the land, to hastening ills a prey, where wealth accumulates and men decay."
Not to be confused with I'll,a contraction of "I will"--
I'll be right back.
I'll be ill if I eat any more ice cream.

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