Wednesday, July 22, 2015

wart, wort

Wart or wart means a small bump on the skin caused by a virus--
He thinks he got a wart form touching a toad.
He went to the doctor to have a wart removed.

Wort or wort ( rhymes with wart ) means a type of plant, usually added to the name of the plant--
St. John's wort is supposed to be good for that.
Penny wort would grow well here.

Wort also means the liquid that will become beer when fermented, or mash for distilling--
Now we'll add the hops to the wort.
We'll have to let the wort cool before we add the yeast.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"He says that spiderwort can be used to get rid of a wart."

Note --"whort" ( rhymes with wart ) means the whortleberry, an edible European berry--
They went out for a walk, to pick whort if they're ripe.

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