Monday, July 6, 2015

sue, sault

Sue or sue means to institue legal proceedings; to bring a civil suit against--
We will sue them for the amount of our losses plus court costs and legal fees.
He's threatening to sue; we ought to talk to a lawyer.

Sue may also mean to petition or to make an appeal to--
He advised the general to sue for peace, but his advice went unheeded.

Sault or sault ( sometimes spelled soo, rhymes with sue ) means a waterfall or rapid--
There is a sault up ahead; we'll have to carry the canoe around it.
He wants to try to take the boat over the sault; but it looks dangerous.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"He was injured going over the sault, and now he wants to sue the tour guide."

Note--"Sue" ( always capitalized ) is a female given name, short for Susan, Suzanne, or Susannah--
Ask Sue if she can come with us this weekend.
Note # 2--"Sioux" ( always capitalized, rhymes with sue ) is the name of a tribe of Native Americans or American Indians--
The Sioux were the original inhabitants of this land; there are only a few of them left.

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