Monday, July 13, 2015

rants, rance

Rants or rants is the plural ( more than one ) of "rant", meaning a violent or extravagant speech--
The moderator took down the worst rants, but the comments remaining are still quite rude.
That's just one of his rants; pay no attention.

Rants is also the third person singular ( he, she, it ) form of "rant", meaning to speak violently and wildly--
He rants when he gets excited; don't listen to him.
He rants about politics whenever he sees his paycheck.

Rance or rance ( rhymes with rants ) is a kind of dull red marble, with blue or white veins--
They are looking for some rance with blue veins, for the top of the piece.
The pedestal is rance with white veins.

Rance may also mean a prop of some kind, such as a pole or board--
Use the board as a rance to hold up the side of the shed.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"After he's been to an auction, he rants about rance and ormulu, among other things."

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