Friday, April 10, 2015

temporarily, temporally

Temporarily or temporarily describes something done or existing for a certain span of time only; not permanently--
He will work there temporarily, until he finds a permanent position.
This will do temporarily, unitl the plumber can get here.

Temporally or temporally describes an action or state related to time, or to the passing of time--
How do we alter the verb temporally, to show that the action was completed in the past?

Temporally also describes an action or state that is worldly, or part of physical, as opposed to spiritual, existence; or secular, as opposed to clerical--
Bishops of the Church of England still rule temporally, as well as spiritually.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"Some people believe that we will enjoy life on Earth temporally, if we remember that we live only temporarily."

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